Linux web Hosting

For those who are looking for affordable hosting options for their web sites, Linux web hosting is an ideal option for them. The resources of your server as if CPU, Disk, Memory, Network capacity are shared with other sites with linux hosting. It is essential to choose a host which has firm policies on how much a server is loaded up by other sites when picking a hosting. For example a crook site on a server can distress the rest of the sites that are hosted on it

To allow easy administration through a web based comfort many
Linux based hosting plans also include control panels like cPanel.

These linux webhosting plans offer the following at the very minimum

1) 500MB+ disk space
2) 100 E-mail Accounts
3) 99.9% uptime
4) User friendly Control Panel
5) PHP, Perl, MySQL and CGI-Bin
6) Multiple email accounts
7) FTP, Frontpage access
8) Web mail, Control Panel